Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wireshark 1.0

Leo en slashdot que ha salido al fin la versión 1.0 de Wireshark, para mí la mejor herramienta para ver que es lo que pasa por la red en cada momento. Los comentarios son de lo mejorcito:

Comparando Wireshark con tcpdump:
- Now come on! What sort of a lede is that? Just a tease and no candy? What does Wireshark 1.0 DO for pete's sake?
- A quick read: "Network protocol analyzer for Windows and Unix that allows examination of data from a live network, or from a capture file on disk." Basically it is tcpdump with a GUI.
- That is kind of like saying a bulldozer is like a shovel, but yellow.

Nomencaltura de versiones según el origen del software:
Adobe: v1.0 is released; a week later 1.0.1 is released. A few months after that, 1.0.2. Then three years go by, and suddenly it's at 2.0, which is broken from the install.

Microsoft: v1.0 is released; no one buys it. v2.0 is released; it's still not really usable. v3.0 comes out, and people suddenly line up for it around the block. v3.0SP1 is released and fixes most of the really bad bugs while introducing a few others, some random security vulnerabilities, invalidating half the licenses of all previous versions, and causes DrDOS to crash.

Apple: v1.0 is released, but it has a bug so Apple pulls it from the download server for a few hours, after which a patched version replaces it, with the same exact version number, and no mention of any bugfix in the release notes. Any mention of any alleged switcheroo or the problem that existed in the first 1.0 release is ruthlessly and systematically quashed in the support forums on Apple's website; unfortunately, their lawyers can't censor the entire net.

La verdad es que aunque el lanzamiento es real ya que llevan tiempo con versiones 1.0RC, parece ser poco más que una broma del 1 de Abril (April Fool's Day: día de los inocentes) ya que de la version 0.99.8 a la 1.0 sólo cambian un par de parches de seguridad y poco más.

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